The TIM-Group's First Online X-Mas Event
After a long period of incertitude, the TIM-Group yesterday celebrated its first online X-Mas event. Although the personal contact was missing, we had a good time together. On the program was a toast for the coming year, a short speech, a fun video of the group and a pantomime-game. Merry Christmas!
Daniella Joins the Strategy Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) Executive Committee
In January 2021, Daniella will join the Strategy Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) Executive Committee. Ten years ago, seven European schools (Bocconi, CBS, ETH Zurich, HEC, LBS, and Imperial) decided to start an European community to academically exchange on topics related to strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation. Every year, this community fulfills its mission by meeting at a faculty consortium and a junior consortium. In 2021, the meetings will be hosted by ESADE.
Daniella as Co-Editor for Special Issue on the “Research Frontiers on the Attention-Based View of the Firm"
Daniella joins Willie Ocasio, Claus Rerup, Amit Nigam and John Joseph as co-editor of a special issue on the “Research Frontiers on the Attention-Based View of the Firm” appearing in the journal Strategic Organization. Stay tuned to read the special issue call for papers!
Spark Works study: Skiers Expect Clear and Detailed Information and Feel Sense of Normality on the Slopes
In November, Spark Works conducted a user research with them aim to find out how Covid-19 is impacting ski resort visitors’ expectations and behaviour. The interviews revealed that visitors expect and want clear and detailed information about the measures implemented at the resort and pay close attention to how others adhere to them. Up on the slopes, they feel a sense of normality and for a moment forget the existence of the pandemic.
MTEC Foundation Grant for Anna Deréky
Last week, Anna Deréky won a MTEC Foundation Grant for her research about the role of managerial experience in socio-economic tradeoff decisions. Congratulations Anna!
Research Associate by Dr. Balint Dioszegi

After finishing his PhD at the TIM Group, Bálint Diószegi joined the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Imperial College London in September, 2017. In his research, he focuses on the micro-level foundations of social networks and networking behavior. In our chat, Balint explained what reserch that he is currently working on and shared some personal learnings from his PhD period with the group.
Prof. Charles Baden-Fuller

Charles Baden-Fuller is the Centenary Professor of Strategy and leader of the Strategy Group at Cass. He is well known for his work on networked organisations and the management of young high technology firms, particularly in drug development-biotechnology. In the seminar, he presented his work about generating and leveraging customer data assets and solutions business models.
Farewell to Georg
After eight years of great collaboration (MSc to postdoc!) Georg Windisch leaves the Tim group to continue his career at TUM. Yet, leaving the group ain't leaving the TIM-family. We wish Georg the very best of luck and we are all sure we'll see him again soon!!
Prof. Gerard P. Hodgkinson

Gerard P. Hodgkinson is Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Humanities and Professor of Strategic Management and Behavioural Science at Alliance Manchester Business School (University of Manchester). Gerard shared his impressive work on the topic of impact in the field of management with the group.
Innovation Consulting by Dr. Florian Rittiner

Florian works at Spark Works AG where he consults corporations in the achievement of innovation, whether through design thinking or architecture. Moreover, Florian shared reflections about his personal fit with academia and industry, as well as the corresponding consequences for his personal career, with the group.