Cognition Learning and Adaptive Behavior
The adaptive behaviour of individuals is a fundamental aspect of change and innovation. After all, it is individuals who initiate and drive change and innovation in dynamic environments. Our goal is to understand the cognitive mechanisms involved in adaptive decision-making, problem-solving and learning. To achieve this interdisciplinary goal we use a combination of qualitative, experimental, neuroimaging and computational methods. Key questions focus on how individuals can develop abilities that better allow them to manage tensions such as those between exploration and exploitation, between social and economic outcomes, between creative and old ideas, and between focusing on one rather than multiple goals.
Laureiro-Martínez, D. (2013). Cognitive Control Capabilities, Routinization Propensity and Decision-Making Performance. Download Pre-publication version (PDF, 430 KB)
Laureiro-Martínez, D. & Brusoni, S. (2018). Cognitive Flexibility and Adaptive Decision-Making: Evidence from a Laboratory Study of Expert Decision-Makers. Download Download Pre-publication version (PDF, 503 KB). (PDF, 503 KB)
This article highlights the importance of cognitive flexibility in leadership for effective decision-making and adaptability. It details the Swiss Armed Forces' plans to incorporate these findings into officer recruitment and training to bolster crisis preparedness and leadership skills.
Full article interview
Identification of cognitive abilities favouring cognitive flexibility. Training of cognitive flexibility in order to increase individual ambidexterity in the Swiss Armed Forces.
Associated Persons
Jan Richner, Daniella Laureiro-Martinez, Stefano Brusoni, Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic and Hubert Annen (MILAK)
Behavioral experiments in lab and field using cognitive tasks, field exercises and think-aloud protocols
Explanation of differences in how individuals identify conflicting goals and define problems more holistically in order to find more sustainable solutions.
Associated Persons
Daniella Laureiro-Martinez, Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic and Ann Xavier
Behavioral experiments combined with think-aloud protocols
Laureiro-Martínez, D., Venkatraman, V., Cappa, S., Zollo, M. & Brusoni, S. (2015). Cognitive Neurosciences and Strategic Management: Challenges and Opportunities in Tying the Knot. Download Pre-publication version (PDF, 212 KB) (PDF, 212 KB).
In an interview with The European Business Review, Daniella Laureiro Martinez unveils the inspiration behind her research and she also dives into the power of cognitive flexibility and adaptive leadership. She shares how the emba X program equips leaders to thrive in a fast-changing world, blending ethical leadership with cutting-edge technology.
external page Full article interview
This article highlights the importance of cognitive flexibility in leadership for effective decision-making and adaptability. It details the Swiss Armed Forces' plans to incorporate these findings into officer recruitment and training to bolster crisis preparedness and leadership skills.
Full article interview
Co-Author on the Super Deciders Book.
Here is the link to purchase the book: external page Super Deciders
We are organizing the external page CSOL conference in May 2025external page
Laureiro-Martínez, D., Canessa, N., Brusoni, S., Zollo, M., Hare, T., Alemanno, F. & Cappa, S. F. (2014). Frontopolar Cortex and Decision-Making Efficiency: Comparing Brain Activity of Experts with Different Professional Background during an Exploration-Exploitation Task. Download Pre-publication version (PDF, 958 KB) (PDF, 958 KB).
Laureiro-Martínez, D., Brusoni, S. & Zollo, M. (2010). The Neuro-Scientific Foundations of the Exploration-Exploitation Dilemma. Download Download Pre-publication version (PDF, 1.1 MB) (PDF, 1.1 MB).
Laureiro-Martínez, D., Brusoni, S., Canessa, N. & Zollo, M. (2013). Understanding the Exploration-Exploitation Dilemma: An fMRI Study of Attention Control and Decision-Making Performance. Download Pre-publication version (PDF, 842 KB) (PDF, 842 KB)
This space is dedicated to exploring and understanding the mechanisms behind human adaptability, learning, and cognitive behavior. To explore more click here: Online Lab
1. We are organizing the external page CSOL conference in May 2025
2. Co-Author on the external page Super Deciders Book.
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