David Baschung
David Baschung
Lecturer at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Technology Innovation Management
Weinbergstrasse. 56/58
ETH Zürich, WEV J427
8092 ZürichSwitzerland
About me
Research area
In my research I study the challenges in the field of cyber security beyond the technological capabilities and economic models through the lens of management science by structuring my research along the technology management process starting with the impediments during the investment decision making process, focusing on how much and where to invest, up to the limitations of broadly adopted performance assessment procedures for cyber defense systems.
Before joining the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) as a doctoral student I obtained a MSc in mechanical engineering at ETH Zurich in 2009 (Micro- & Nanotechnology, Product Development). After working for several years as a project manager, consultant and business analyst in the financial and healthcare industry focusing on challenges in the field of information security, I joined the department of Defense Economics at the Military Academy (MILAC) at ETH Zurich in 2020 working on the research project «Management of Material Cyber Resources».