Claudio Feser
ETH Zürich
Weinbergstrasse 56/58

Claudio Feser is a Director Emeritus and a Senior Advisor of McKinsey & Company, the Chairman of Greenreb Holding, and a member of the Advisory Board of AON M&A and Transaction Solution. Further he is a member of the Executive Education Committee of the University of St. Gallen and a member of the Advisory Committee (Beirat) of the EMBA ETH and University of St. Gallen.
Claudio joined McKinsey & Company in 1992. He retired in 2019 but remains active as a Senior Advisor of the Firm. During his tenure he held various leadership roles including the positions of Managing Partner of McKinsey Greece, Managing Partner of McKinsey Switzerland, Head of the Global Leadership Development Practice, Member of the Shareholder Council, and Chairman of Aberkyn, a McKinsey subsidiary focused on change management and executive coaching.
In 2019 and 2021 respectively Claudio joined the Board of Directors of Greenreb, a sports entertainment development and management company, and the Advisory Board M&A and Transaction Solutions of AON, a leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement and health solutions.
In 2019 Claudio joined the Executive Education Committee, the board of the Executive School of Management, Technology and Law of the University of St. Gallen (HSG), where he serves as facilitator and lecturer in various ExecEd programs.
Claudio has authored or co-authored three books (Serial Innovators and When Execution isn’t Enough published by John Wiley and Sons, and Leadership at Scale published by Nicholas Brealey) and several articles on innovation, organization, and leadership.
His areas of expertise include innovation management, change management, leadership and leadership development.
Claudio holds a M.A. in Business Administration and Economics from the University of Berne, and a MBA from Insead. He is married and father of two sons (28, 26). He enjoys reading and writing, sports, wine-making, and spending time with family and friends.